8315 W. 10th Street, Indianapolis IN 46234. 
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Buying a home requires a lot of effort and patience. From preparing financial documents to checking every new listing daily and scheduling it up for house hunting. On top of this, you have your daily routines and responsibilities, like going to work or taking care of the kids. 

The house-hunting process can be very exciting, especially for first-time buyers who specifically save up for down payments and other necessary expenses for the house. However, despite having everything ready, it can be overwhelming to view houses and find your dream home. It’s like entering a bidding war just to find and win your dream home. 

Taking Notes

Remembering all the details from every home you visit can be overwhelming, but you can keep track of everything by taking down notes. Using a pen and notebook or your phone, list down everything you liked and disliked about the house. When it’s time to compare down locations, you can use your notes as a basis.

Using Of Spreadsheet

If you’re familiar with Excel and you think that it’s easier for you to use it, then a handy spreadsheet is the answer. You can input all the details in the spreadsheet and simplify so it will be easier for you when you look and compare for details, such as a three-bedroom, two-bathroom with parking or when the offer for a four-bedroom with two-bathroom is a good price. 

You can easily drop this into a spreadsheet with homes listed in a vertical column on the left and their status and details in a horizontal column across. Depending on your style you can do a lot using the spreadsheet. 

Here are some details you can put on your note or spreadsheet:

Real estate photos are too good to be true and are taken from an angle so they’ll look bigger than their actual size. Having an actual photo means you can have an actual comparison of the size and square footage which is essential when looking for a home. 

home buyer looking for new place with real estate agent

You can also jot down the style of the home you’ve been to. For some, style is also important in choosing a home they want so it is a good thing to note. It may not have an impact on pricing but it will play a big part in choosing the right home for you. 

Putting these notes might help you influence your decision. Depending on the style you want, you might find it more exciting to walk through a modern house than an old house. Your feelings about the house make a difference and could also lead to you finding the right home that will make you happy and at home.

8315 W. 10th Street
Indianapolis IN 46234

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