8315 W. 10th Street, Indianapolis IN 46234. 

Fix-And-Flip Vs Build-To-Rent - What Makes The Latter A Better Option

January 27, 2023

Build-to-rent, also known as "BTR," is a real estate investing strategy in which an individual or organization purchases land to construct one or more residences to lease them out on a long-term basis. 

This strategy differs from the build-to-sell strategy in that the investors will keep ownership of the properties they purchase to generate passive income.

Why Build-To-Rent Is Bound To Make An Impact In A Buyer’s Market?

Build-To-Rent is a wonderful alternative in a buyer's market compared to a fix-and-flip investing plan since it allows you to build the home and produce revenue, then sell it whenever the market turns back in favor of the sellers' advantage.

You are not restricted to constructing a single dwelling if you build-to-rent it out. More prominent companies will purchase extensive tracts of undeveloped land to build entire communities of rental homes and, in some instances, entire neighborhoods. 

In addition, with a build-to-rent plan, you are not restricted to constructing only single-family houses. You can also build:

  • Fourplexes
  • Small lot homes
  • Duplexes
  • Row homes

What Are The Benefits Of Build-To-Rent Projects?

The investor benefits in several ways regarding more substantial build-to-rent projects. Because the investor controls the land, they can provide amenities that allow for higher rentals, such as playgrounds, pools, onsite management, and other things. And because the tenant is renting inside a community, it becomes more of a lifestyle, benefiting the individual, which means the investor will see less turnover compared to a standalone house with no amenities or a feeling of community.

You won't have to worry about uncovering damaged foundations or decaying frames when constructing to rent, which is another advantage of this business model. You can begin with energy-efficient appliances and windows, incorporate solar panels and other cost-reducing supplies, and more. This makes it simpler to make a profit more quickly and reduces the number of hurdles that need to be overcome to have a property ready to be put on the market. 

three houses in peaceful neighborhood with car

Builder warranties also provide additional peace of mind. This is because the warranty may cover the cost of repairing problems with the house that the builder causes during the first few years after purchase. This approach will save you money compared to the expenditures associated with maintaining a fix-and-flip paradigm.

However, building to rent as a real estate investing method has significant drawbacks. Because the upfront costs are typically higher and you're not selling for an immediate profit, the ROI on this investment may be lower than a fix and flip. A title check can help you avoid problems like finding out that some property is not designated for residential use. 

Last but not the least, ensure there are no bylaws prohibiting a set number of rental units if you're purchasing a plot of property that already has a community. The build-to-rent method won't work out, so you'll have to sell the land again or build to sell. If you know tenants prefer to rent to buy, such as if you are close to a military post, building to rent is an excellent real estate investing plan.

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Indianapolis IN 46234

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