8315 W. 10th Street, Indianapolis IN 46234. 

How To Choose Title Service Agency For Your Business

October 7, 2022

When it comes to selecting a title service for your business, it's critical to know if the title company has the operational knowledge and other key qualities needed to carry out a reliable job while searching for a firm that provides this essential component of mortgage service. They must be skilled at handling different real estate transactions and be able to serve as the joint agent of all parties, including the buyer, mortgage lender, insurance company, and seller.

In addition to facilitating closings and issuing insurance policies to its clients as needed, the title company's duties should include reviewing titles, identifying title flaws, performing current owner searches, and reviewing ownership. 

So before you sign up for any agreement, be sure to search for different title companies and do a background search on each.

Below are some tips on how to choose title service agency for your business.

How To Choose A Title Service For Your Business

Defects Recognition

Even the smallest flaws in a property should be recognized by a qualified and knowledgeable title service provider. A business skilled in defect identification services can shield its clients from the possibility of title problems like the following:

  • Tax liens and other pending debts against the property
  • illegal acts carried out by unauthorized individuals
  • Unknown or missing heirs
  • Forged or false documents
  • erroneous surveys
  • Inconsistencies in the current owner information

There may also be additional flaws that call for the skilled scanning skills of the professionals, who are often recruited by reputable title services firms.

Title Lookup

The title agency must be skilled at conducting a thorough search to find the errors in a title. Some of these searches require a comprehensive investigation of important components of the property, such as:

  • Background of ownership (starting with the Present Owner)
  • Encumbrances
  • Different kinds of deeds
  • Sequence of titles
  • List of all legitimate heirs

Various forms of encumbrance can hinder the owner’s right to the property and the legal sale of the property. These obstacles usually include a mortgage debt on the property, a tax lien, an easement, etc. The title search is technically a profound investigation into these encumbrances and the findings are summarized in a report usually called the title abstract.

The title services organization must use legal ways to remove these obstacles after recognizing them, which involves corporate action and consent from all parties.

homeowner couple with title service agent checking house title

Deed Vetting

The legal documents that specify who owns a piece of real estate are deeds or titles. The deed is transferred to a new owner and entered into the local courthouse's records. Until a person's name appears on the recorded deed or title of the property, they may not legally be considered the owner of that property.

It is nearly impossible to sell an estate that has a lien or any other encumbrance placed against it. 

The lien holders may, however, have a claim on the estate when such a sale occurs. 

In addition, if a property owned by a group of persons is sold without the approval of any one of them, the owner who was left out still has a legal claim to the title.

Before the title to the property changes hands, a reputable title service company makes sure to properly review the deed for such gaps and make sure they are closed.

Find The Current Owner

The Clear Owner Search ensures a clear title by checking for all encumbrances from the last time the property was purchased to the present. It is perfect for by-owner transactions, foreclosure auctions, refinances, and pre-tax auctions. However, the search is intended just for residential properties, not business properties.

The following searches are conducted by a qualified title search business as part of the current owner search:

  • Copy of the most recent deed that certifies who the present owner of the property is and is kept at the county office or the local courthouse.
  • An index of all finalized and pending judgments
  • Mortgage and assignment check
  • Civil judgments and vesting check
  • Status check on foreclosures
  • Tax Lien Search: Federal, State, and Local
  • Lien search for Home Association
  • Proceedings for foreclosure in a civil court
  • Bankruptcy status and unpaid taxes

Final Service

Loan closings are officiated over by a title agency that serves as an impartial third party and represents the interests of all parties involved in the transaction. The title service companies typically request state-appointed notaries to serve as the closing agents and witness the parties' signatures in addition to providing the money transfers between them. The company records the deed, mortgage, and other documents in the neighborhood courthouse after the transaction.

A business might be considered an ideal title services firm if it can offer these specialist services, or perhaps a combination of any of these, while assuring due diligence. Even though these are some of the most crucial responsibilities, a title service company have other services that can be offered.

Nonetheless, these are some tips that might help you to choose a title service company.

For quality title service in Indiana, Indy Legal is here to help! Contact us at 317-214-6023 to learn how we can help you!

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8315 W. 10th Street
Indianapolis IN 46234

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