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How To Know If You’re Buying A Home With Code Violations?

October 18, 2024

Purchasing a home is very important. There is so much to look forward to, whether you are looking to buy the home of your dreams or a fixer-upper to turn into your ideal residence. However, there is a risk to be mindful of in both situations: code violations. In the process of purchasing a home, code violations are crucial, so let's talk about what you should know!

Comprehending Violations Of Code

What does Indiana's real estate code consider to be a violation?

These violations are intended to draw attention to, address, and encourage efficient building techniques for safety issues that homeowners in a community may have. Code violations may lead to court action, fines, penalties, or even orders to correct the issue. 

Typical code violations consist of:

  • Missing smoke detectors: Indiana law mandates that every home have a working smoke alarm properly placed outside each bedroom and on every floor. 
  • Inadequate handrails: Generally, handrails that ascend and descend staircases are designed to have "returns" connecting them to the walls at the ends.
  • Existence of hazardous materials: In the past, prevalent building materials included asbestos and lead. It is necessary to test homes for these compounds and remove them if detected. 
  • Electrical work done incorrectly: Improperly conducted electrical work poses a fire risk and is frequently done by an unlicensed homeowner. 
  • Bad yard care: It is against the law and decreases local property values to treat a yard like a jungle or junkyard.

It's crucial to remember that certain local codes have violations that cannot be fixed until the repair is finished. As a result, they might continue to be excluded from coverage under your owner's insurance. 

Why Do Violations Take Place?

While there are a few typical reasons for violations, one source you should be aware of is do-it-yourself projects. Many people purchase homes in today's market, make some improvements to raise the property's worth, and then resell the house for a profit. The issue is that an investor might occasionally do the renovations themselves and then make mistakes that result in code breaches.

This is something to be aware of and cautious about, regardless of whether you are an investor wanting to flip a property and resell it or a family searching for a home of your own. Recall that you can always contact the county if the right permissions are obtained.

clients listening about code violations

The Significance of Code Violations

Code violations can seriously affect insurance, legality, and property value.  

When a house is not up to code, its value decreases until the violations are fixed. Thus, offers that are far below market value may be made by investors and purchasers. 

Regarding home insurance, most carriers won't pay for expenses associated with bringing the house up to code or for code violations. Homes with code violations may also have higher insurance premiums. A home with serious code violations may also be declined insurance coverage by insurers. 

In conclusion, homeowners who find themselves in legal hot water must either correct the violation or pay fines, incur penalties, or possibly serve jail time.  

Those who purchase properties with code violations have the challenge of paying to have the house brought up to code, which may be costly unless they have an agreement with the seller. The new owner will also discover that their home is on the list of the county's Code Enforcement Officer, which implies that there will probably be more regular inspections and possibly more infractions.

Recognizing Violations

How can code violations be identified?

As simple as it may seem, check Indiana law's housing laws and look up frequent violations. For instance, as we previously discussed, handrails must attach to walls in a specific manner; neglecting to do so is frequently found to be a violation during home inspections. Watch out for those typical errors as well as anything that seems risky to you.

However, if you lack professional training, don't be afraid to use Indiana's experts and resources. For example, specialized home inspectors can use a fine-tooth comb to go through the house and identify any issues. If there are violations, purchasers may want to negotiate for repairs or a better offer, so knowing this information can be quite helpful.

How To Handle Code Violations

If a house inspector discovers any problems, there is a procedure. They record the violation, gather proof, and serve the property owner with a formal notice that may be sent to the neighborhood health or code enforcement offices.  

Let Indiana's Trusted Title Company Help You

As a reliable title company in Indiana, our team consists of people with the right knowledge and experience of neighborhood code violations. We can assist you with the legal ownership of a property, relevant laws, and completing negotiations on your behalf.

Call us at 317-214-6023 to get started!

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